Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Sorry it's been awhile, we've been super busy enjoying the nice weather we've had last week! Here's the recap of what we did:

Mommy decided enough with the mohawk, so daddy cut dai dai's hair. Now he loooks like a shaolin boy.

I went to Simpure's grand opening party with mom and dad.

Posing before the party. Hey, it's not often we get to dress up!!! Too bad dai2 can't come with us, he stayed home with grandma.

I stayed close with mommy the whole time because I was nervous.

Look at what mom and dad bought us!!

Jayden, Rowen and Nason came last Sunday for shabu2. We had fun playing together! The little boys (or the babies as I call them) are too afraid to play with the ball though.

Oh and check out what mommy made for lunch: nasi uduk with tempe bacem, ayam goreng, sambel kacang and terasi yum yum.....

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