Monday, June 30, 2008

One Month Checkup

I had my one month checkup today. The nurse said I must be a really mellow baby because I didn't cry at all! They also weighed me and measured me. I weigh 12 pounds, 8 ounces. I'm in the 97th percentile, which means I'm bigger than 97% of baby boys my age. I am 22 and 1/4 inches long (75th percentile) and my head is 38 and 1/2 cm around (50-75th percentile).

Toys R Us

When Oma was here, we went to Toys R Us to buy gifts for me. I got my eyes on a barbie car. Too bad mommy won't let oma buy it for me :(....

Dance Show

I love putting on show for my family. Click the play button below to watch my performance...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

One Month Old

Can you believe that it has been ONE WHOLE MONTHS since I was born? I'm way more alert now. I love to sit in the sofa while watching everything around me. I'm also getting chubbier! I'm already outgrowing all of my old clothes and ready to wear some of my 3-6 month size clothes. Can you see that my hair is getting longer too? Somebody should tell mom and dad to give me a haircut!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Ma Ma and Ye Ye

My One Month Celebration

We celebrated my one month birthday yesterday. According to Chinese tradition, daddy had to cut my hair before my bath time.

All of our friends and families came and celebrated with us. I was asleep in my room most of the time, but I'm glad that everyone enjoyed the party, especially my sister...

Daddy blew up the inflatable pools for me and my friends. Unfortunately, it was raining hard that day. Jon and I only got to play for about 10 minutes!!

Check out my huge cake!! My uncle Jerry got it for me. Too bad I don't have teeth yet :(

I got a cake too!! Auntie Shien made it especially for me. Mommy said it's called a big sister cake. Isn't it pretty??? It's yummy too!!!

Look at me drooling already!!! I couldn't wait to touch the icing!

Of course my Len Len had to give me a big kiss.

Princesses and prince Jon.

Finally the weather cleared up so we can play outside.

Posing with all the other babies and mommies. Thomas and Nason are about the same age as me. I'm sure we'll be buddies later.

My Great Grandpa. He's 88 years older than me. Whoa...

After the party, my brother and I were so tired... I was actually sleeping on the couch while helping my bro opening the gifts.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Bulking Up

I'm definitely bulking up. See my double chin?

My First Playdate

I went on my first playdate today. While my sister was playing, I just chilled on the couch.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Activity Mat

Zoo Trip

I've been feeling a little left out lately, so my parents took me to the zoo. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but I love some quality time with my parents too.

I love looking at the fishes and the manatees.

Playing House

Side Part

Mommy likes to try out different hairstyles for me. What do you think of my side part?

Three Weeks Old

At three weeks old, I'm awake more and more. I love looking at the faces of people around me, especially my big sister, who never forget to give me kisses every morning.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008