Sunday, November 23, 2008

And then there were four

Pho2, Kung2 and Akiu Reza left last Wednesday, so the house is very quiet now with just the four of us. We miss them a lot, especially because my sister has been sick these past few days. She caught the stomach virus that makes her very miserable. She just walk around the house looking like this:

Breaking mommy's heart.... Hopefully she feel better soon. I miss my divalicious sister.
As for me, I really bonded with my parents this week. Especially this weekend, with grandma taking care of my sis. Mommy played with me all day and held my hand while I was napping. My daddy took care of me this weekend because mommy also caught my sister's virus. He seems to have the magic touch to put me to sleep. He claims it was his guns!! Mommy is agreeing with him because she wants daddy to put me to sleep in the middle of the night also :). But overall, I've been very good and happy.

So we survived this week by ourselves. Hopefully my sister can feel better soon so we can resume to our routine and she can be her happy self again because we really miss this smile:


silch said...

Get well soon Abby!

Jayden M Tsao said...

Hope u feel better, Abby! And u too Aunt Sisil!