Morning, the 24th: Mommy felt she's going to give birth soon
Noon: The whole family went to Asian Festival. Mommy insisted to go because she was craving satay.
4 pm: We went to Jacelyn's party. Mommy already had contractions every 10 minutes. The contractions got stronger during the party. Finally, mommy asked daddy to take her to the hospital. So they took my sister home and went straight to the hospital.
Around 7 pm: Arrived at the hospital. Mommy had to fill out some forms. She can barely remember her name at this point. They went to triage and found out that mommy already 5 cm dilated. After that, I heard mommy screaming every 5 minutes.
8.15 pm: Finally, mommy got epidural!!! Mommy and daddy can finally fell asleep.
3.00 am: Mommy already 10 cm dilated, but she still have to wait until I came down further
4.00 am: Mommy can start pushing. After about 3 pushes, the nurses told mommy to stop because she can already see my crown and we still have to wait Dr. Jenkins
4.20 am: Dr. Jenkins came and saved the day! After 1 more push, my heart rate started to drop a little bit, so Dr. Jenkins helped mommy with a vaccuum.
4.34 am: Hello world! I was born exactly on my due date (the 25th). I weighs 8 lbs, 10 ounces (4 kg) and 20 inches (50.8 cm) tall. Unlike my sister, I have a lot of hair, even on my back!!! Mommy thinks I look like Akiu Reza.
What do you think??

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