I had my 9 month checkup yesterday. I am 29 inches long (75th percentile) and 23 lbs 5 oz (90th percentile). Yupe, still a big boy! My doctor told my parents that I have an ear infection. They were surprised because I have been happy, my appetite haven't changed and I sleep well. The doctor said I must be a strong boy!!
I have my own routine now. This is my typical schedule:
4.oo AM : Wake up, drink 6 oz of milk. After that, I play next to mommy while she's doing pilates 6.30 AM : My sister wakes up. We eat breakfast together. Bread and jam for her and cereal for me. We also share a banana.
8.00 AM : We take my sister to daycare.
9.00 AM : I drink another 4 oz of milk and take my first nap
10.30 AM : I ate banana or cereal in my high chair or exersaucer while mommy cooks lunch. Sometimes we also eat out or have a playdate.
12.00 PM : Daddy comes home for lunch! I eat congee.
02.00 PM : Drink another 4 oz of milk and then time for my second nap.
04.00 PM : Dinner time!! I eat a bowl of congee + fruits or veggies. And then, the highlight of my day... bathtime!! Sometimes I wait for my sister so we can take a bath together.
4.30 PM : Daddy and my sister came home!! We play together, read books or even go to the mall!!
6.00 PM Bed time. See you tomorrow at 4!!